Text neck Syndrome

Refers to a repetitive stress injury to the neck caused by having your head in a forward position for extended period. The forward pending posture affects the curvature of the cervical spine, the neck and shoulder muscles, and supporting ligaments.

“Text Neck” Is Ruining Your Posture, and Here’s How to Fix It: DO IT NOW!!

  1. 1. Keep your chin up;
  2. Relax your shoulders;
  3. Think “tall.” … Ribs Up!
  4. Bring your phone to eye level;
  5. Do slow, range-of-motion stretches;
  6. Take a tech break.

You can contact me by phone or Whatsapp 07455250006 or by email info@romenendezphysio.com.

Neck poor posture

Neck pending posture

Exercise to correct neck posture
Exercise to correct neck posture
Exercise to correct neck posture
Exercise to correct neck posture
Exercise to correct neck posture
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