Women's Day

Suppose you’re hospitalized, you’ll want to have qualified medical professionals around you, but does it matter if your doctor is a female or a male?
It might.
Both male and female medical representatives have their own implications in terms of approach. But female health professionals are said to spend more time with patients, provide more patient-centred care and care with an empathic focus.
Also, studies show that in physiotherapy both men and women feel more comfortable with women assisting and treating them.
The reason behind it is that female doctor are more likely to adhere to clinical guidelines and provide more frequent preventive care than their male counterparts.
Undoubtedly the profession of physiotherapy requires the skill of understanding and women are said to have better patient outcomes in understanding their patient’s needs compared to their male peers.
Acknowledging the day to show how much importance women play in our life!
Wishing a Happy International Women’s Day today from Romyna Physio Bristol.

You can contact me by phone or Whatsapp 07455250006 or by email info@romenendezphysio.com.

Women's Day

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